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Nicoli Miriam

Nicoli Miriam

Miriam Nicoli’s studies focus on written culture in early modern and modern Switzerland. In more recent times, she has extended her research interests to egodocuments and gender history. She has published, with Franca Cleis, La Gran Regina del Cielo e le Benedettine di Claro. Genealogia femminile di un Sacro Monte in area alpina nel manoscritto di suor Ippolita Orelli (1697) (2021) and Un’illusione di femminile semplicità. Gli Annali delle orsoline di Bellinzona (1730-1846) (2021).

Women’s Voices
316 pages

Women’s Voices

Echoes of Life Experiences in the Alps and the...

This volume is centred on the voices of women belonging to different...

ISBN 978-2-88930-521-6
  • Livre papier
  • E-Livre (E-pub + PDF)
E-Livre (PDF) gratuit